Love Life And Lose Weight

How To Set Blowing Our Own Minds (BOOM) Goals

Season 1 Episode 37

‌In this episode, I share with you how to create BOOM Goals! As a No BS Team member, we do these as part of our self-development work. A BOOM goal stands for = Blowing Our Own Minds.

To start, journal on this question:

What are the things in my life I would LOVE to accomplish, and if I did, I would blow my mind and my current idea of what’s possible for me?

These BIG dreams should feel improbable but not IMPOSSIBLE.

List them in order of importance. Then decide how you can, over the next year, make PROGRESS toward them.  How will you take the first steps toward making it happen?

As a team, we list our BOOM goals so everyone can see them. This is important! Goals can’t grow under the cover of darkness and seclusion. As a team, we update and check in with our BOOM goals progress every 4-6 months or so for accountability. It’s SO interesting to see what lights up my team members, and it also allows me to cheer them on quietly from the sidelines.

For BOOM goals, the only criteria is that it’s something BIG. It can be ridiculous, and you likely won’t get there, but you’ll get farther along in life than you would setting a smaller goal, OR it can be HARD but possible.

There’s no right or wrong on this. You can have as many BOOM goals as you want. Some people do one; some do many. Depends on how much you enjoy setting goals and how you best work. It’s more about figuring out what is calling you forward to create something that feels exciting, good, and a little scary.

We all learn a LOT about what is needed in the process. MANY times it’s not so much about IF it can be achieved. It’s learning how slowly figure out the path to make it doable (sound familiar?) and adjusting the process to get there and the time needed. Sometimes the BEST thing that can happen is that you realize you don’t really want the thing you always THOUGHT you wanted, which is awesome because now you make space for something NEW. So it's 100% ok to change and update your BOOM goals as YOU update and change.

This week, Your Coach Homework is to dream BIG and create your BOOM Goals list. Let your imagination run wild and feel how good it feels to name the thing you’ve always wanted. Then watch your brain get to work figuring out how to make it happen over the course of the year.

Do this with your accountability group or partners. Create a BOOM Goals mastermind where you all get together every 4-6 months to check in with your goals progress and mastermind on those results and support each other.

Have fun with this!

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Audio engineering by Young Cub Audio.

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